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Our vision

To give you an inspiring platform, sparked by an unwavering passion for the natural, the organic, and the low-toxic.

At Welltress, we're more than just a women’s wellness platform; we're on a mission to inspire and empower women to embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes their well-being and to make informed consumer choices. Our goal is to empower women to confidently navigate life's journey, from midlife to menopause and beyond, with holistic wellness at the forefront. 

Shop our curated collection of products from trusted brands, all sourced from safe ingredients and routines that celebrate the natural, the organic, and the low-toxic.

Join us in our classes, where we connect you with leading doctors and experts in the wellness industry. They’ll guide you towards mindful practices, wholesome lifestyles, nourishing diets, and top-tier products that align seamlessly with our values.

Dive into “The Wishing Well,” the heart and soul of our inspiration, where our thoughtfully crafted editorial content is designed to ignite your inner fire.

Above all, we're here to wish you well and inspire your journey filled with boundless health and happiness! Together, let’s heal, prevent, and elevate your overall well-being.

A Note From Our Founder

Tara Turner Lockhart


"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud"

- Maya Angelou

This quote became a source of inspiration for our story. As a wife, mother, daughter, friend, wellness advocate, and visionary entrepreneur passionate about health, I've navigated my own path through life's ups and downs.

During a challenging period, I found myself deeply frustrated with the widespread misinformation about our health and well-being. From this frustration and pain emerged a vision: a holistic wellness platform offering expert-led classes and carefully selected natural, organic, and low-toxicity products. It was an opportunity to build a community dedicated to inspiring others and enhancing all aspects of women's wellness.

Cancer and chronic diseases claimed the lives of several loved ones, including my aunt, who courageously fought against four different cancers for 30 years. She faced the disease with grace, never letting it define her. In my quest to alleviate her pain, the feeling of helplessness was heart-wrenching. Within months of her passing, I lost two more aunts to cancer. This series of losses ignited a mix of emotions, from anger to an overwhelming desire to help other women and to prevent the pain and suffering that come with cancer and chronic illnesses. The prevalence of harmful toxins and chemicals in our everyday products, many of which are linked to cancer and chronic diseases, fueled my mission and my vision.

Like many, I've faced health challenges, including a cancer scare during the pandemic, exacerbated by overwhelmed healthcare systems. The stress took a toll on my body, but through extensive research, I discovered the science and success stories behind naturopathic and homeopathic lifestyles. Embracing these holistic and naturopathic approaches transformed my life. I lost weight, alleviated my perimenopausal symptoms, and now feel younger and more energetic.

I've come to realize the critical importance of self-advocacy and education in navigating the vast, often confusing sea of health information. Much of it is contradictory, and some downright harmful. Who has the time and energy to sift through it all?

I believe life is a precious gift, and our choices shape our destiny. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to pursue health because we each have just one life to live — encompassing body, mind, and soul.


My dream is for Welltress to inspire you on your journey to healing, improving your life's quality, and becoming the best version of yourself.


 With Love & Light,




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